Наш Маніфест

INgenius – платформа для розвитку медицини та науки в Україні.

Ми перший україномовний медичний медіа-ресурс.

 Наша команда пропагандує доказову медицину серед спільноти лікарів.

Створюємо професійний контент та організовуємо події для медиків. 

INgenius - Революція в тобі!

Наші результати
Провели заходів
Написали статей
Людей нас читають
Локальних представництв
Іванка Небор

ENT doctor, Research fellow Cincinnati Children's

Founder and the President

Михайло Сидоренко

Intern doctor majoring in Radiology.

Co-founder, vice president, and chief designer

Павло Гавалко


Chief project manager, a local representative in Dnipro

Юрій Рожко

Trauma and orthopaedic surgery resident doctor, DRK Kliniken Berlin Westend, Berlin


Владислав Федорченко

Medical methodology expert, data analyst at the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Editorial Team Lead and manager of the Telegram channel

Лінда Майор

Pediatrician, drug safety specialist

Editorial Team Lead

Уляна Кащій

Intern doctor majoring in "Anesthesiology and Intensive Care"

Manager of the web - site, and Instagram

Maryana Oliynyk

Intern doctor majoring in  Obstetrics and gynaecology

Main Editor of the Instagram

Іhor Solovei

IT Project Manager

Advertising manager

Vladyslav Kravchenko

Student of Bogomolets national medical university.

Project manager

Alina Ratushna

Intern doctor majoring in General Surgery

Project manager

Vitaliia Dudik

Intern doctor majoring in  Obstetrics and gynecology

Website Editor

Kateryna Brychko

General practitioner

Website Editor


Kateryna Slyviak

General practitioner

Website Editor

Kyryl Rohanov

Emergency medicine physician

Website Editor

Kurylo Ihor

Student of Bogomolets National Medical University

Telegram Editor, Manager mission Face to Face

Tetiana Rudomanenko

General Surgeon

Manager mission Face to Face

Anna Bei

Student of Bogomolets National Medical University.

Instagram Editor

Denys Tykhanskyi

Pediatric Surgeon and Urologist

Instagram Editor

Oleksandr Shumeiko

Internal Medicine


Anastasiia Stoianova

Medical student at the  Universität Duisburg-Essen


Vira Baranovska-Andrigo


Secretary of the organization

Anna Balian

Student of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Graphic designer

Valeriia Pinchuk

Ukrainian Catholic University

Graphic designer

Kristina Ralko

George Brown College, Canada 

Marketing specialist and content creator

Andrii Myslovskyi

Student of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Website Editor

Iryna Stelmakh

Obstetrician and gynaecologist, bioethics student

Website Editor

Karina Radutska

Student of Bogomolets National Medical University

Website Editor

Oleksandra Loganovska

Student of Bohomolets National Medical University

Instagram Editor

Olena Khokhliuk

Intern doctor majoring in genetics

Graphic designer

Lena Kozyr

Student of Bogomolets National Medical University, Public Health Researcher

Telegram Editor

Anna Tovkes

Intern doctor majoring in Ophthalmology

Telegram Editor

Tetiana Melnychuk

Student of Lviv national medical university 

Manager mission Face to Face